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Search Results for "Selective sweeps in HIV"
Selective sweeps in HIV
Modeling the evolution of multi-drug resistance in HIV
More efficient drugs lead to harder sweeps of drug resistance in HIV-1
IE2 Seminar - Alison Feder - Intra-patient evolutionary dynamics of HIV through time and space
OutsideIn | Drug resistance in viruses and the speed of evolution
Feder: Intra-patient evolutionary dynamics of HIV drug resistance evolution in time and space
Standing genetic variation and the evolution of drug resistance in HIV
“Natural Selection in the Human Lineage” by Dr. Pardis C. Sabeti
The Duration of a Selective Sweep in a Structured Population
Selective sweep of a SARS-CoV-2 mutant, with some hiccups
"Genetic Variation in TLR1 and Outcomes in Critical Illness: The Last Laugh of the Neanderthals?"
Jensen: On the unfounded enthusiasm for soft selective sweeps